Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Archive Posts Gone

I don't know if anyone noticed or is aware but all the poetry and postings that had been left in the Archives have disappeared. I'm not sure if it is a good idea to post these things in there if they get cleaned out! That's a bit disappointing. Esther had suggested posting poems and such in there but... Any suggestions?

I miss my Minstrel's Court.

*cries, hides*


Lady Circe Wildwood said...

*Sighs* I'm working on things as the come to me and as best I can. I will ask Smat (when he has the time) if he can stop clearing Library posts.

I know Esther asked, I posted it here for her. Still trying to find out why she has an issue posting herself.

Doing the best I can here. *s* But you can't expect everything to be as it was in one day...or two weeks. *hug*

~Brooke~ said...

I know! I'm not complaining! Really ! Not at all. Don't get frustrated. I just had to say I missed that room. Sorry if it got to you. *hugs* Don't stress.. You've been doing great and PLEASE feel FREE to email me personally if you need any help at all.

Much love ...