Tuesday, January 2, 2007

-On a more serious note-

Okay Gang,

A little serious conversation here I would like all of you to take a moment and consider this. Rivendell (Most of RavensDale) is now open. As I said before, this is true. If you want it to stay that way you're going to have to come and rp.

Now, the holidays are over and people are settling back into their mundane routine. Yes, I realize work and real life eat up a lot of time. And I would never ask you all to forgo that, even if that were possible. BUT you all did show up at the winter celebration, so, I'm assuming you're still interested in rping with old friends...so.

WHEN you do come and play. Please concentrate on the three rooms that have just been recently re-opened. The Common Room, EverNight and the The Kitchen. The other rooms I have seen people in (such as Vampyres) have been open right along. The three I mentioned are the ones that require your support.

So far things have been going pretty well, considering it's been over the Holidays that all of this has happened, I'm very pleased. And there are a few stalwart souls that have been rping in Riv almost everynight and I thank them for that.

I would like to see ALL of RavensDale open, and I'm sure all of you would as well. The WildWood, NightFall, The Arena...all those old favorites of many of us. But I don't feel I can request these of Lord Smat until things are a bit more steady in the other realms.

Poetess: I left a response here to your post. I will ask Smat if he will be so kind as to not clear posts from the Library when both he and I have a chance to speak. But please don't abandon it because of that. I will be posting in there again today.

I hope all of you had a wonderful New Year!

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