Saturday, December 2, 2006

It's me again!

I'm testing out the features...hopefully this will show my picture! I can't remember which image people are most likely to remember me by...this is the one I was using the most when I last went to Riv as Ariana Dreamstar, but I have also been known to use this picture:

So anyway, I got to RP in RDI the other night! Only for a short while, but it was sort of fun. :) I'm going to try to make it to the Christmas party. I am SO out of practice at RP though. It was so horrible! Oh well, it was fun nevertheless. I might come back more often if people are going to be there to play with... *paws at the room* I miss RP. ;_; It's been so long!

The only RP I've been doing since my Riv days has been on IRC, and one game I GMed and was not a player in, and the other has gone on hold because our GM is in the military and does not have time to run sessions. Phooey. I was having a blast with that one, too.

So, who around here DOES still RP online? Who goes to RDI or the old Riv rooms (the common room is gone, right?), and who might be interested in RP there? I have a couple of storylines in mind that some friends had wanted to work on a while back, but we lost places to RP...RDI might be a good place to relocate to.

So, later all!

~ Ariana Dreamstar


The Wall said...

I'm pretty much always up for a rp session in RDI/Riv, but I don't sit in lurk too often. The whole refresh thing gets old, I must say. I still rp, but it's all pbems now, and Star Trek based. A few have died off over the past several months - truly unfortunate, as there were some great characters and stories, but life always manages to do these things.

In any case, if you, or anyone else, want to rp, shoot me an email to find out if I'm around and I'll hop on over.

Lady Circe Wildwood said...

Usually there are a couple people hanging out in there every night. I try to, though sometimes I get side tracked *g* go figure. This is an ongoing project right now. Though I'm getting better response then I ever eve hoped for. It is really wonderful to see you all.

Ariana Aislinn said...

Oh, I often sigh wistfully about the old RP days! I don't really have the time to pop in as often as I did when I was in college, and I have much earlier bedtimes now (teachers have to get up early), but I will try to pop in occasionally in the evening. I might try tonight perhaps, but I do have company, so we'll see!