Friday, December 1, 2006

360 damages Sleep with Viva Pinata. It hits! 360 wins!

Huh...something's not...not quite right....

There's no one threatening to blast, skewer, or explode each other (as soon as they step outside the inn, of course.) There's no vagrants smuggling in the Quays and there's no minors trying to make smoochie face in the Woods. Everything's.....peaceful.

How the heck can you be a captain of the guard if there's no freakin' peace to keep? Where's the crime and debauchery? What is all this fond reminiscence? Nothing makes sense anymore!

Hey, wait...wait, aren't I imprisoned in something somewhere? I never did get that pardon. So I don't make any sense either. Well, when in Rome. I've actually never had a live journal before, so bare with me. You can't entrust the sword of a thousand truths to a newb.

Captain Calandryll / General Ramiel / Tasslehoff / Ryan Xander


Ariana Aislinn said...

Imprisoned? Huh? Where?

I have forgetten just about everything from back then. ;) Guess I should look and see what I might have transcripts of...not much though, I know.

Megan said...

That's when I got too busy with school and work and stopped coming in. :( We said something about how he was captured by the Lord of Nightmares. I don't remember much about the rescue -- I hadn't come back so you guys never got a chance too -- except that Ramiel and Sentressa were planning to double cross the LON. Or was that double double cross your team? Or was to double double double...

Ariana Aislinn said...

Hmmm, some of this sounds vaguely familiar. I guess he never WAS rescued. Made it pretty hard for me to RP Ari for a long time! Guess that's one reason we all ended up focusing on Star Wars RP in private rooms for a while. ;)

For now I'm just playing Ari as if things have been very quiet lately, and I'm not getting into details. I just like seeing all the oldies but goodies in the room again. :D

Megan said...

Why must I destroy everything beautiful...everything I touch dies. :D I'm sure I messed up a couple folks' storylines when I left, I tend to go Alt crazy. But I only really worried about messing up yours. ('Tis true casual reader, and I revel in my selfishness.)

I never had Calan's future that layed out (there's always something new when even the walls speak) but I started wondering how to make his exit.

I was three years ahead of you and knew I'd have to leave before you guys. You have to work your little heiny off if you get an art degree instead of...well, instead of any real one. ;) The actual leaving happened way faster than I thought though, things accelerating in school almost more than I could handle, and I always felt horrible about never making it back. I did intend to, if only for a huge session or three, for the final curtain call.

As for Calan, nothing major would have happened unless we wrote it together. I'd thought that maybe he could be sent off to protect a burgeoning new city somewhere; that he could get turned into or sucked into the Dream Blade; that he could go back home to Saerlia (how did I -possibly- remember that?); or my bittersweet favorite from this very pic, that he was just a dream of Ari's. (And that was before Tidus, so screw you Square!) The prob was when you're invested in a character, you're never going to like any kind of possible ending. It's like being disappointed with the choices at a buffet, but then eating nothing at all.

But I should have figured something out with you and RPed him to his conclusion. I was worried how the gang would react when I said goodbye, but I just ended up taking the band-aid off slowly for it. It messed you up big time, and any ending's always better than no ending at all.

I am so like late for literally the CEO, but that should have been said years ago. He can wait. Maybe if he had someplace like Riv he could pass the time, you think?