Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Wonders of Lit

Lit... my oldest roleplay gal, from the very first days Smat opened the Roleplay doors, found me. Although, honest I'm not THAT hard to find - for most folks that I want to find me ;)

Thought I could put this in my RSS feed reader, but cuz of the password I can't :(. (Read as - me techie geek needs techie geek tools) Don't have a heck of a lot of time these days - I'm blogging and writing professionally for my industry/job, but I'll see if I could carve out a few hours a week to destress and roleplay.

Thanks Donna for putting this all together - goodness know I don't nearly have enough time these days to find my shoes ... let alone all these old Riv folks.


LadyLiterary said... are TOO kind! *lol and hugs* Welcome!

Maliosi of Ellendilmir said...

I was hopint to have this on my RSS Reader, too... but only get to "Liquid Light" as the post name, it doesn't give me any more! :(