Sunday, December 3, 2006

Smat Final Letter ( so long ago)

Smats Final Letter

The halfmoon wavered below the North Star,
pointing almost directly to the AutumnStone.
This view from the gates had always pleased me,
through the long winters, the season without count.
The Solstice and Equinox forever
in balance and in opposition.

Now it is the last night, the last Solstice, time began
here on a cold winters Eve almost beyond recollection.
Now, the ending comes as it began, a strange circle to complete.
There is nothing that now can encompass, all that has happened;
the thousand and one faces; the endless stories; and the
memories; more lost then recalled.

But; that I shall not forget, is my only comfort on those
roads ahead; late in the eve when the faces of so many
will rise up from the fire, and again tell their tale;
in part or whole. the Geas has settled upon the realm,
at that is sleeps; lost in Legend, Forever!

Closing the volume, I sit, at last; perhaps where I started,
a drafty room, warmed by stone hearth and unflagging fire.

I think always of you, Sweetsouls; Truehearts;
honored enemies, and strangers upon the road.

Always it comes to me, that we are all
at one time or another, lover and friend,
stranger and foe. But with time all things
turn, circles end; and new roads open.

I gaze steadly into this old hearth, and now the flames remind me;

Before I knew you; I'd often hoped to meet you,
now as we part I hope again; that we shall meet
upon another day, in another place;
Until then Safe Travels.


Lady Circe Wildwood said...

Bittersweet, Sire. Mayhap, as I have said once before, it is now the time of re-awakening. RavensDale to rise from it's misted hall, into the outer world again; Like Brigadoon, and Avalon. The Magic stirs and is becoming strong once more. Time will tell.

Ariana Aislinn said...

I have never been precisely sure of the reason for RavensDale's closure. Was it simply because it was unused and taking up resources that could be better used?

I would love to see it reopened... let's see if this current revival continues strong. If RDI remains well-populated, who knows what could happen?