Thursday, December 7, 2006

The Shadow of Memory

Forgive me while I muse for a moment.....

I'm seeing many names, persona here that I haven't seen in many years. Some I remember very fondly, others I never got to know as well as I might.

To introduce myself... some people will remember me as Helena (Shanniir/Helena FoxFire etc), others as her son, Keilan BenShanniir. The list of my characters is as long as my tenure at Rivendell was; since I started before there was even a need to create an account! I believe that it was 1995 or 1996 that I started to play in the realms of Rivendell, with many people (Who remembers Lady Delphine? Trin, Cynric etc?) who became good friends. Thus I'll post the list quickly, so that those who may only half remember me might be reminded.

Helena FoxFire
Keilan BenShanniir
Kyrelen BenKirsta
Sharra Blackstone
Siobhan Blackstone (Daughter of Sharra and Shadowdancer)

(Edit: I should point out, this Shadowdancer was Caeloth daer Sha'ne, not the Shadowdancer below)

Hmmm... who remembers Dark Poet? That's a name I miss.

Sharra was possibly my longest-running character of the lot, because I eventually kinda retired Helena..

Enough Rambling, I'll bid you all adieu for now and get back to work.


Lady Circe Wildwood said...

I remember all of them. Man, where does the time go? *smile*

Jareth said...

*giggles* and where would Sharra be without Darque *w*