Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Reporting for duty

Wow, I never thought this would ever happen. But then, I guess I shouldn't underestimate Ravensdale. It went on for quite awhile after I left, with many of the same people.

I went on to other things after I moved on to different forms of RP, but my heart and origin is still with Rivendell. Let's go back to old times for awhile. *g*

Anyway, some of you probably don't know who I am yet, so here's a list of my main Rivendell characters and aliases from Waybackwhen:

and my alias to this day, Radien.

I ran a briefly-lived anime RPG on Ravensdale called Runic Flux. Some of you may have seen that during its short appearance.

If that doesn't do it for you, I still have my incredibly dated character page on my site. Just goes to show: I never throw anything away if it doesn't take up space.

(Note: some of the listed characters aren't mine, but if they aren't, it'll say so)

If any of you ever want to talk to me on IM, I'm on ICQ (2810798) and AIM (RadienAIM) respectively. I'm looking forward to getting back in touch with some of you! *s*



Megan said...

I have a nice photo of you I should post. I would have already if I didn't have everything packed to move to Connecticut! How are you RPing these days? I've been trying to coerce your sister into joining me on an MMO, but my tiny bleats are bouncing off her like bullets off Superman.

Ariana Aislinn said...

Your tiny bleats might have more effect if I had a little thing called money! :P

Radien (Fierre) said...

Calandryll! :D Wow, long time no see! (well, obviously true for a lot of people here, but no matter) Hmm, when did you get a picture of me?

My RP is... well, when it happens, it's generally good quality. But the way IRC RP works tends to make the frequency of such role-playing far slimmer than I would like. I have a bunch of characters just stewing in my brain and wanting, *trying* to break out.

I would be happy to suggest bringing some of these characters in for some Riv RP, but alas, too many of them exist in hybrid or otherwise non-Riv-compatible settings. *frown* Perhaps if some of you would like to experiment with a new setting... but again, alas, for this would require a room separate from the Red Dragon Inn to be considered proper.

Don't suck my sister into an MMORPG! :P I've considered playing those before, but I'm afraid the time commitment would just destroy too many of my creative pursuits, like making a video game.

Megan said...

I got tons of pictures when Flint Fireforge and I drove up to Oregon to visit you and Ari. :P But, being a dwarf, I had to put him in a child seat.

MMOs do ruin lives, that's a fact. But what a delicious downward spiral it is. Mmm...tasty.