Friday, December 8, 2006

People are playing!

It's almost 2:30 central time friday and I just logged out of RDI. Several people are still playing. It's hard to believe that after all this time it comes down to simply going back and playing. No set times. No "play dates." Just being reminded that it's still there, we're still here and we all miss the same thing.
All it took was the single minded stubborness of one person. Take a moment to say thank you. Sure, maybe any of us could've taken the time and spent the effort to make Riv come back to life, but one person did.
For my part; thank you Donna. Thank you for bringing me home. Thank you for bringing us all... home.


Ariana Aislinn said...

An absolutely humongous thank you from me to Circe!

I should also mention this has put me back in touch with some close friends who have dropped out of touch...not just casual RP acquaintances, but some of the best online friends I've ever made. And I shouldn't be surprised if this also results in new friends! It's so good to see all of you again, and I plan to be in the common room again tomorrow evening. Several of my friends (including a couple of newcomers to Riv/RDI) are looking forward to introducing a new storyline with me, and we'd love to get more people involved!

Lady Circe Wildwood said...

You're welcome. I appreciate the thanks yous. Though this has been more a labor of love for me than anything else. It has also been a ton of hard work.

I had said I wouldn't try this again. I went back to see if I could kick-start my rping. But the more I was there, the more I couldn't stand to see our once thriving community, a virtual ghost town.

All of you haunted it, I could see your 'faces' and hear the 'voices' of your characters. It finally became clear that I couldn't just let it stay like that. *smile*

Ariana: I know. I'm still friends with people I met there. They were the foundation of my roleplaying. And provided me with many wonderful and entertaining hours.

Lady Circe Wildwood said...

And of course. I thank all of you. For responding, for joining, for playing...and remembering. *curtseys* Thank You.