Thursday, December 7, 2006

...from the Shadows...

I figured that I had best put in my two cents worth... I don't know how many will remember Hunter, the first character that I played in TTR, and the one that saw me through the most changes. he himself went through a variety of character and name changes. He was Hunter, Kyril macCorwin, Shadowdancer, Hunter Ravendancer, and a few others besides. He first appeared in Vampires Anonymous, back when there was no HTML, and the inn was haunted by various patrons, the rafters by beautiful withch-women, and the hot tub (what inn is incomplete without a hot tub?!) by other... curious antics.

I've had other characters as well, most notably Symon duKane, that Vampire which was older than civilization, rough and dangerously bestial, strong and powerful while at the same time uncouth and ignorant of his own power. All of them I've played in Rivendell, and all of them have seen me through tough times, happy times, and times when I was more shadow than even my characters. But of them all, I will always be the most fond of the first, that man who could mold the shadows as if they were clay, and who went by the simple name of... Hunter.

It's good to be seen again, and it is wonderful to see names... and images... of folks that I haven't had the pleasure of speaking with for years.


Maliosi of Ellendilmir said...

Is that a Gabe I spy?

malakyte said...

Ahh yes it was Hunter that originally inspired me to start roleplaying.

Maastrichian said...

Helena... nope, not a Gabe... though I think that I know the one you're talking of.

And Malakyte... I never knew I inspired you to RP. That... honors me... **smiles**